Chief Chuqualataque Doublehead 1744 - 1807 My 6g Grand Second Cousin Once Removed
Doublehead's Legacy
Perhaps the most interesting of the Cherokee chiefs in the Tennessee Basin of Alabama was Chief Doublehead or Talo Tiske meaning “two heads.” Chief Doublehead established a town on the Tennessee River at the head of Muscle Shoals in 1790. This village sat at the mouth of Blue Water Creek in Lauderdale County.
Muscle Shoals had always been an area of dispute between Chickasaws and Cherokees, though it was known as “Chickasaw Hunting Grounds.” When Doubleheads occupation of Muscle Shoals came into question, Chief George Colbert of the Chickasaws confirmed that Doublehead was at Muscle Shoals by his permission. This new agreement seems less unusual considering that Colbert had married two of Doublehead’s daughters.
Doublehead’s brother was Chief Old Tassel, one of the Cherokees most well-known and beloved chiefs. When he was murdered with the aid of the white mayor James Hubbert, Doublehead went on the rampage, attacking white settlers throughout the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee. This six year warpath from 1788 to 1794 is well chronicled, and though it was no doubt exaggerated by the afflicted, the chiefs terrible “atrocities” certainly add up to a significant sum. He was even accused of encouraging his warriors to cannibalism of the dead during this escapade.
At the end of his warpath, Doublehead met with President George Washington at the nation’s capital, and he returned a changed man. Though he began to mimic the ways of the whites and built a large cabin, he continued to defend the Cherokees land rights in various treaties until his death. This change of heart was characteristic of the Cherokees during this time, many of whom adopted the manners and customs of the whites. He even went as far as forming the Doublehead Company that leased 1,000 acres to more than 50 white settlers between the Elk River and Cypress Creek.
Doublehead was murdered in a savagely interesting tale chronicled by the famous Indian canoe fighter, Sam Dale. On a trip to a ball game on the Hiwasee River, Doublehead engaged in a series of arguments with two Cherokee warriors and a white Indian trader.
Served under Chief Dragging Canoe
Chief Doublehead was a bloodthirsty Chief who served under Chief Dragging Canoe. He commanded the expedition against Knoxville in 1793.It is said that he traveled to Tennessee near now Athens, Tennessee in 1807 to attend a stick ball game and while there he bragged about having sold Cherokee Lands for a lot of money even though It was a death sentence to do so. He was attacked in the MCIntosh Tavern by Major Ridge,James Vann and Alexander Saunders, where he was wounded and fled to the home of James Black a missionary, where he died. It is said he was a brother to Old Tassel. He was a full blood Chickamauga Cherokee Warrior, as well as Tahlonteeskee, his Brother-in-law.
In the summer of 1807, the Cherokees had a great ball play on the Hiwassee River. This was their national sport, and attracted immense crowds. On this occasion there were more than a thousand Indians present, besides the officers from Hiwassee Fort, and numerous traders attracted by the prospect of selling their merchandise.
The central figure among the Cherokees was the famous Chief Doublehead. Gen. Sam Dale, of Mississippi, then a Georgian Indian trader, who is authority for the following account of his death, knew Doublehead and called upon him. Sam, you are a mighty liar, was his greeting. When Dale demanded why he thus insulted him in public, a smile illuminated his grim face as he replied, You have never kept your promise to come and see me. You know you have lied. He then produced a bottle of whiskey, and invited Dale and the officers present to drink with him. When they had emptied the bottle, he rejected Dale's offer to replenish it, saying, When I am in the white man's country, I will drink your liquor, but here you must drink with Doublehead.
After the game was over a chief named Bone-polisher approached Doublehead and denounced him as a traitor for selling the land of his people. The stolid chief remaining tranquil and silent, Bone-polisher became still more angry, accompanying his abuse with menacing gestures. Then Doublehead spoke, quietly and without agitation: Go away. You have said enough. Leave me, or I shall kill you. Bone-polisher rushed at him with his tomahawk, which Doublehead received on his left arm, and drawing his pistol, shot him through the heart.
Some time after night, Doublehead, who had been drinking, came in to Hiwassee Ferry, and entered McIntosh's tavern. Among those whom he encountered there was a chief named Ridge, afterwards Major Ridge, a half-breed called Alex. Saunders, and John Rodgers, an old white man who had long resided in the nation. Rodgers began to revile him, much after the manner of Bone-polisher. Doublehead proudly rebuked him: You live by sufferance among us. I have never seen you in council nor on the war-path. You have no place among the chiefs. Be silent and interfere no more with me. The old man still persisted, and Doublehead attempted to shoot him, but his pistol, not having been charged, missed fire. The light was then extinguished, and at the same instant a pistol shot was fired. When the light was rekindled, Ridge, Saunders, and Rodgers had all disappeared, and Doublehead lay motionless on his face. The ball had shattered his lower jaw and lodged in the nape of his neck.
His friends now set out with him for the garrison, but fearing they would be overtaken, turned aside, and concealed him in the loft of Schoolmaster Black's house. Two warriors of the Bone-polisher clan traced Doublehead by his blood to his hiding place. At the same time Ridge and Saunders came galloping up, shouting the war whoop. Sam Dale and Col. James Brown, of Georgia, followed them. The wounded chief was lying on the floor, his jaw and arm terribly lacerated. Ridge and Saunders each leveled his pistol, but both missed fire. Doublehead sprang upon Ridge and would have overpowered him had not Saunders discharged his pistol and shot him through the hips. Saunders then made a rush on Doublehead with his tomahawk, but the dying chief wrenched it from him, and again leaped upon Ridge. Saunders seized another tomahawk and drove it into his brain. When he fell another Indian crushed his head with a spade. It is interesting to note that, after the tribe had been removed to the west, Major Ridge was himself executed in the same manner, for a like offense.
The murder of Chief Doublehead August 9, 1807
Cherokee Chief Doublehead is executed by The Ridge, James Vann and Alexander Saunders
It marked the end of an era in the Cherokee Nation and the rise of the republic.
Doublehead had grown powerful by giving Cherokee land to the government through the liberal bribes of Indian Agent Return J. Miegs. The tribal council had made it a crime punishable by death to cede Cherokee land to anyone. Doublehead continued to allow settlers into Cherokee land, and traded holdings with the United States.
Ridge, Vann and Sauders, possibly with the approval of the Cherokee Council, sought Doublehead. The first attempt to kill Doublehead ended when Vann, who was to perform the task, was too drunk. Other attempts followed, but finally Ridge succeeded.
Ironically, Ridge would receive the same punishment for signing the Treaty of New Echota in 1835
doublehead is my 6THgreat grandfather you honor him well,now we got to prove my 5th great grand mother cornblossom was real
ReplyDeleteDoublehead is my 5th Great Grandfather through the Shifflett's. Now I am trying to find some Info on his daughter Vina Brock. She married Bland Shifflett.
DeleteI am Doublehead's 16th great granddaughter through Corn blossom. I find it amusing that she is considered almost mythical. Proof would be wonderful but I live by faith in many areas of life and quite enjoy being the descendant of a woman inspires debate. If she never existed then from where & why would the stories of her and descendants of hers have sprung from. I don't doubt & don't care to debate but am empowered by continuing the mythical & mysterious line from which I came.
DeleteI just found info that Chief Doublehead is also my 5th great grandfather on my Shiflett side, through Vina Brock. Vina's mother was shown to be Katherine Napier. I would like to find documentation of this info, if anyone can help.
Deleteyes cornblossom was real...we have a picture...
Deleteany pics or info you have on Cornblossom would be greatly appreciated she is my 5th great grandmother you can email me at
DeleteThere was no photography in the time claimed as that of Cornblossom, thus, there are no photographs of her. Any alleged photos found are of someone else, taken at a much later date.
DeleteSomeone has told me that I am a descendent of Doublehead but that was yesterday! So I have no idea and have started research. My last name was Head and my grandfather was Indian. They said that the whites listed the off-spring as Head. idk
DeleteI'm the 7th generation great granddaughter of cheif Doublehead through Troxell blood line.My great grandmother on my fathers side is Katherine Troxell.Traceing my geneolgy is direct blood line to Big Jake Troxell and Princess Cornblossom.Some cherokee disagree with title of Princess,others will disagree with exsistance of Cornblossom.Looking back of history of Cherokee Shoals and certain white settlers wanting the cherokee exsistance to be disregarded and hidden,many of official documents and records where destroyed."John Sevier" once said the Cherokees where nits ,and how nits make lice saying how Cherokee people should rid of.Upsetting to think Tennessee named Sevierville after him and honor him.The national forest well know was original Cherokee land at time white settlers didn't care about Indian burial grounds or historical artifacts,again history is covered up.I'm very interested in any family photos or information on family tree.I would enjoy sharing my family tree with others comparing documents and historical notes.Thank You ,Morgan
DeleteI am 6th great grandson of Principal Chief Doublehead and proudly serving as elected Principal Chief UKU to the Woodland Band of Cherokee Indians which all feds splitbfrom in 1812 the murder of doublehead for exposingbthe white lies and those whom actually sold Cherokee lands the Ridge family and corruption via the beaunouit and Ross families was spsoee as double sold no lands as he was fighting a battle in Alabama the day he supposedly signed the treaty in actuality it was the Ridgecrest that signed falsely leaving to the Cherokee Civil War and under blood law we murdered many of the ridge sellouts in Oklahoma where it was laid on the old settlers
DeleteNo please 🛑
DeleteAnonymous, we may be cousins. He's my 7th Great Grandfather through Gulustiyu.
ReplyDeleteHe was also my 6th great grandfather through Gulustiyu.
DeleteHe was also my 6th great grandfather through Gulustiyu. :) Through Elizabeth Sarah Riley and the Tackett families.
DeleteWow! Me Too... I am a Riley.
DeleteI have followed my line back to Doublehead as my 7th GGF through Ni-Go-Di-Ge-Yu and the Tackett-Riley link as well. I would love any information you may have. Thank you!
DeleteI am also related through Gulustiuyu's daughter Nannie Riley. He would be my 6th great grandfather.
DeleteAny chance he had daughter Phereby/Fairiby?
DeleteHe is my 5the Great Grandfather through Samuel Reilly. What interesting is Samuel married 2 of his daughters. I have a Ancestors DNA test on file and together they had alot of children. My great great gma Was Samantha Reilly.
DeleteI am also supposedly through the Riley/Tackett family
DeleteThere is a Doublehead Creek in Clay County, KY, connected to our family.
DeleteI am a descendant of Gulustiuyu, through Sabrina Tackett, daughter of Sarah Riley, daughter of Samuel Riley and Gulustiuyu.
DeleteShe wasn't real.
ReplyDeleteGulustiyu or Cornblossom? Gulustiyu was real. She was my Grandmother, not sure how many generations back.
DeleteShe is real
DeleteIf she wasn't real then how are we her descendents here, there are no belvins in my family tree
Deleteya u know everthing i guess, you probably worship this asshole that goes by vance hawkins
ReplyDeleteThe Cherokee Doublehead Chiefs were also strongly linked to Canatuckahoe (Kentucky)as well as other Cherokee areas. An example, among many, is Tuckahoe himself is a Doublehead connected Cherokee. Doublehead Cave is in Kentucky, not what is now Tennessee, as well, and several Doublehead Chiefs were born and lived most of their lives, and died in what is now Kentucky. The Upper Cherokee are often left out of the current historical Cherokee record. It is time to to correct the record.
ReplyDeleteCheif doulblehead was borm in kentucky, snd is buried tbere now also.
DeleteHi Martin,
DeleteMy mother is Sandra Hayes and her grandfather is Eli Hayes and grandmother is Daisy Belle Dishman, who had a big farm in Slickford Kentucky. BTW: My name's is Christopher Singleton, Sandra Hayes second son. You are right!
Dishman Combs, my Cherokee Nation enrolled relative,may be of interest to you. He was closely related to Melinda Combs Martin, my Grandmother. This is Martin Redbird aka V. Martin Ogrosky
DeleteThanks 4 posting this story of Chief Doublehead.Family as well as myself have read it. Doublehead Stilell Oklahoma
ReplyDeleteim the gggggggrand daughter of cornblossom/ but would love to know more about my hertiage. it is most interesting to me i just found out about my gggggggrand mother my name is cheryl tucker and henreitta tucker.. you my find me at my sisters thk you any information you can give wil be appericated..........
ReplyDeletecornblossom was real she died at yahoo falls massarce in monticello,kentucky
ReplyDeleteYahoo falls is in Whitley city KY.
DeleteI thought it was near Waynesboro my best a cave
DeletePrincess Cornblossom is REAL..Period.
ReplyDeleteJudy Troxell Sachs
Yes she was. She was one of my Grandmother's too and so was Big Jake my Grandfather too.
DeleteYes of course but there are various Indians native people and relatives perhaps with the name.
DeleteI been to the graveyard in Slickford and all the old graves are just stone no writing I went there to see granny Doubleheads grave also my grandpa James Hicks granny Lucinda Hicks
DeleteI am a descendent of Corn blossom through her daughter Sarah Troxell.
DeleteThere are other Doublehead Cave locations, in addition to Kentucky.
ReplyDeleteChief Doublehead is my 7th Great Grandfather. "Kizzie" is my 6th Great Grandmother.
ReplyDeleteChief Doublehead is my 6th great-grandfather and Kizzie is my 5th great-grandmother. Do you have any information about them. I believe Kizzie's mother was Great/Creat "Drags Blanket" Priber.
DeleteNo, Kissiah's (Kizzie's is buried in Slickford ky in the Dishman Cemetary. Her mothers name was Aisley of the Red Paint Clan.
DeleteChief Doublehead is my 7th great-grandfather, with his daughter, Kstieieah (Kissie) as my 6th great-grandmother. Her first-born son, Thomas jefferson Dishman is my 5th great-grandfather. I would love to meet/talk to my Doublehead cousins. If you would please contact me at, I would appreciate it.
DeleteKizzie is my ggggggrandmother.
DeleteThomas Jefferson Dishman (Lydia Upchurch)->Burrell Dishman (Louiza Elizabeth Upchurch) -> Lucinda Dishman (George Dishman) and Marcus Dishman (Serlida Smith) -> George Dishman (Lucinda Dishman). Burell and Marcus were brothers. Lucinda and George were cousins. -> Elijah Barton Dishman (Sarah Ann Abbott) ->Ollie Ann Dishman (Burl Tillmon Dishman)
ALSO Thomas Jefferson Dishman (Lydia Upchurch)-> Sinah Dishman (Riley Brown, she kept Dishman name) -> John Dishman (Mary Ann Morgan) -> Silas Marion Dishman (Elizabeth Hancock) -> Burl Tilmon Dishman (Ollie Ann Dishman). Burl and Ollie were cousins a couple times over.
Burl and Ollie-> Edith Dishman, my GGrandmother (Daniel Roy Buck) -> Donvil Buck (Emojene Ward) -> Benjamin Buch (Karen Johnson) -> ME
Hi Karen, Edith was my aunt. Her sister Georgia was my mother. I remember your I guess grandfather Donvil. I remember visiting them in Muncie, Ind. when I was about 5. My grandfather Burl Til died at her home and is buried somewhere around Muncie. The Dishmans have a big reunion in Monticello,Ky. every year. If you are not familiar with it ,you could contact Anita Flynn at
DeleteMy mother's grandmother is Daisy Bell Dishman. My mother's name is Sandra Kay Hayes, her father is Portor Tillman Hayes.
DeleteI was told that my ancestors are related directly to Chief Doublehead.
I forgot to say that my mother's aunt Dottie lives in Toledo Ohio (Portor Tillman Hayes sister).
DeleteKizhi is also an Ayurveda Herbal Treatment Bag for healing used in India. Some Cherokee Chiefs waring turbans and others like Diwali show some links long ago parts of our tribe like Attakullakulla having Asian connections.
Deletemy name is chris mason
ReplyDeletemy website
cheif doubleheads son birdtail doublehead is my second great grandfather and bird doublehead is my great grandfather
My 3rd great grandpa is supposely Bird Doublehead... Do you have pictures of your grandfathers ~ for I can see if they are the same... Trying to find my indian hertiage
DeleteMy Grandfather Anderson"Bird Head"Clark of Calhoun Tn Where McIntosh Tavern was located.The Schoolmaster Black was also related to my ancestors.Bird was the Chiefs youngest son birthed by "Drags Blanket".The Clark Family evidently adopted him being 6-8 yrs old at the time of his death.Doublehead and Blanket are said to be buried in Vonore,Tn.Ive not been there yet.Bird married Isabelle Jones they had a son named John who was father to my GG-Grandmother Elizabeth Clark wife of William Hambright both of Calhoun.Hambrights Grandmother Nancy Black Hambright wife of Captain John Hardin Hambright is of the Black lineage who was the Schoolmaster...keep in touch cousin
DeleteP.S.I live about. 5 miles from where he was killed on the Hiwassee.Grew up here.
DeleteAnon Feb 16, 2011, please email me at Kizzie I believe is also my husbands 6GG, and I'm trying to prove she was DH dau. Thanks, any info is appreciated!!
ReplyDeleteHow is Seqouyah (George Gist) related to Amadoya Moytoy?
ReplyDeleteSome Gists were with D. Boone in his early days high on the Upper Kentucky River, near the present Virginia border, at places like Acup Creek, in Perry County, probably connected to the herbal trade in the area. Cherokee guides often showed Boone the Cherokee back country and Overhills Region and Upper Tribe areas. Doublehead Creek is in present Clay County, KY, for example. The Cherokee Kings made money from the herbal trade, among other business ventures and early on were paid lease fees by white pioneers. The Dr Dishman Combs linked Cherokee families of the Acup, KY,area,sometimes called Mill Seed Community, near Happy, seem to have Gist and Sequoyah links. martin redbird,
DeleteThanks for your comments, Martin. You know so much about so much!
DeleteI no a lot about the medicine. My great great grandmother Eliza Elizabeth hall a.k.a Eliza Quedi had over 4000 different herb and med from back then we still have those papers today Eliza was bird tails doubleheads wife
DeleteSeqouyah is cheif doubleheads sister son,and Amadoya Moytoy is cheif doublehead and his sisters grandad
ReplyDeleteOld tassel got killed in athens alabama he was asleep in his teepee when some house got raided by some war parties and one of the houses the family was killed but there son was not there at the time it happen so he thought it was cheif Old Tassel so the little boy snuck in his tent and killed old tassel then when cheif doublehead found out about it he went on a war path and was killing everybody in site
ReplyDeleteA Bird Doublehead turns up as an inscription at an ancient Central American site that was "discovered" by Spanyards in the early Colonial era of Central America. Very little serious research on the finding has been conducted. Did the early Spanyards come to Cherokee Tribe with Doublehead Chief connections linked to the Gold Trade similar to the Inca?
ReplyDeleteRegarding the above, one version of the inscription is Birdtail Doublehead instead of Bird ...
ReplyDeleteMy name is Savanna I am also descended from Cornblossom and Doublehead. Ive been doing much research on them, when my great grandmother was alive she did a lot of research on Cornblossom and Doublehead and she wrote a book, it was never published but it is in my posession. Cornblossom is my 6th great grandmother, and Doublehead is my 7th great grandfather. if you would like to contact me I am so excited to find relatives!
ReplyDeleteHello, My name is Sue. I am also a descenant of Chief Doublehead. He is my 3rd great grandfather. I am researching him and I am trying to find as much true docementation as I can. Would it be possible to get a copy of your grandmothers records.Please email me Thank you in advance. (Bird Doublehead the son of Doublehead was adpoted by My 4th great grandfater Thomas Norris Clark)Lie you it is so exciting to find these relatives. My father always talked about our Indian Descendants but never had any docements for proof. My father died in 1980 and it means so much to have found proof and get to see the pictures of my Indian Descendants that my father never saw.
DeleteHey Sue,
DeleteI have a public tree on It is Thelma Roxanna Reed and anyone can look at it. You will find just about all the information I have gathered there. Hope it helps.
Sue, I am also a direct descenant of Thomas Norris Clark and his wife Susannah Randolph Payne. I am trying to write a history of TN Clark and Susannah , you are the first person who has refered to Birdsong as being adopted by TNC,I knew he was liviing in the clark house when Doublehead was murdered, and was returned to his family in Mussel Shoals, any information you can furnished would be greatly appricated, i have a clark family tree with over 850 names and 250 families that I will share.Please Contact me at
DeleteHi Sue & J,P, Morgan.....this is the first info I have seen about an adopted with a Clark.
DeleteMy grandfather is Bud J Clark, his dad Jefferson Carlton Clark, his dad Pleasant William Clark & mom Hannah Hulda Carolyn Tharp Clark, daughter of Hezekiah Tharp & Nancy Ellen Colbert, daughter of Chief George Colbert & Shulachee/Salechi Doublehead.
Brenda, sorry to disappoint you but none of the Clark Names you list above are related to Thomas Norris Clark, he had 11 living children and I have traced all their decendents. Also Sue has not answered me about the so called adoption of Birdsong by Thomas N Clark. ( Sorry Sue" it never happened). I have records showing that after the estate of Doublehead was settled,that Birdsong was taken to Mussle Showles to be with Doubleheads wife who was living there. I will gladly let you or Sue be a Guest and be able to see the Family Tree. Contact me by E-Mail at and I will send you an invite thru OK? I have over 1300 names and 300 families.
DeleteBirdsong doublehead is my 3rd great grandpa... Here is where I also read that he was living with my 4th great when his dad passed...
Sharon please send me a link to your ancestory site ~
Deletemy email is
Shulachee/Salechi Doublehead was my 5 generation grandmother I'm interested in finding out more about her and other descendants of her thank you
DeleteSalechi Doublehead is my 3rd great grandmother. Her daughter Susan Sukey Colbert married my 2nd great grandfather, John McLish.
DeleteI am just blown away...I just recieved a lett from a second cousin that connects my family with Cornblossom and Doublehead.....not sure how or where to go from here, but will do some more reading and hopefully in a less emotional moment be able to come back and hopefully talk with you more....
ReplyDeleteKachenahey ahseeahney
There are three different reported burial places for Chief Doublhead;
ReplyDelete1. Near his death place up at the Hiwassee (marked).
2. At Doublehead Cave in Kentucky (marked).
3. On the north side of US HWY 72, on Bluewater Creek, Lauderdale County, AL.
Any idea which one is, most likely, the correct place?
Cheif Doublehead is Buried in Wayne County Ky. Directions. he is buried near the pulaski count line. Directions from Somerset KY mall. Take us 27 south to Hwy 90 west. Cross the big steel bridge over lake cumberland. Then turn left on Hwy 790. Drive till you come to the Wayne county line. You will come to the first house on the right on a hill . It has Doubleheads Stone and grave in a small area behind the house.
DeleteOne way to look at Chief(s) Doublehead is as a family group. There are various "Chief Doublehead" individuals, related by family and/or band. The top chiefs sometimes acted for each other in the chiefs name with his consent, much like an assistant chief today in Cherokee Nation. We should give the Doublehead Chiefs numbers to track them each as individuals. A good place to start is Doublehead Creek in present Clay County, KY, southeast Kentucky. Some of these folks images are painted into the Kentucky Capitol building dome. Cherokee Tribe is the official tribe of Kentucky.
Deletenorth of us hwy 72 in lauderdale county alabama just off the tennessee river,north of the mouth of Bluewater,my great grandfather was a grandson of doublehead
DeleteThis is so amazing! I am another Sue, that heard from her father of native relatives, but no proof. Everyone, go to I am the 9th ggranddaughter of Thomas Carpentar that came from England. He and his Shawnee wife Pride are the beginning of all of us on line tonight. The history is sadly true. Our relatives were treated terribly. You can find info on my open site, Brock Family Tree. I am direct relative of Chief Aaron Redbird Brock. I found this site tonight just by accident, reading about "Uncle Doublehead". Susan Brock, Bend Oregon
ReplyDeleteThe North family show to be kin to Chief Redbird Aaron Brock Can you help me find our roll no. I don't know how to prove this you can Face book me a message or friend me.thank you.Ann Speck
DeleteI was always told that Chief Red Bird was our great grand father several greats back. After doing some research, I joined a site of the descendants, but didn't get to find out much, my own sister had me blocked from the site. I guess she was afraid I would tell them about her secrets. I just wanted to know more about my heritage. Guess that won't happened now, Gayla Brookman has blocked me at every turn and I don't know why.
DeleteChief Aaron Redbird Brock may have also been known as Arun Sizemore. Redbird was a Treaty Signer. Various relatives carry the name of the original Aaron Redbird Brock as Chief Redbird, somewhat like Chief Doublehead. Redbird, KY and Redbird, OK are named for him and his family group. He and his relatives are closely related to me. Cherokee Nation has extensive data and files about him.
DeleteThis post is an eye opener. I have read in other post that Bone polisher was to be punished for a crime of brutalness that he committed against his wife. The Cousin of Creat Priber one of the 3 of Chief Doubleheads wives. Creat Priber, Nancy ( Drum doogler)?, and Aisley of the Red paint clan.Chief Doublehead was the Marshall in town and went to take care of this at the Bone polishers resident. Then on the way back he stopped in at the bar and was murdered by the Ridge and the other guy for Selling Cherokee land illegally. Which he didn't do. The proof is in the pudding. Doublehead fought and was greatly feared for the land. Miers, The Ridge and all the other so called grand cherokee got busted as noted above. It's a fact that till today, out in Oklahoma The Cherokee still think Cheif Doublehead took the bribes. The fact is that the White man couldn't touch him, so they lied to protect the real theives like Ridge, and who else? Honor goes to Doublehead My 5th Grandpa. I am the oldest left in my family with many stories of old.
ReplyDeletehello i am on ancestry and my sister and i have come back with our dna matching doublehead and the moytoy indians wolf clan, also my ggggrandfather was francis poythress that was the father of jane poythress who married thomas rolfe who was the son of john rolfe and pochanotas? sorry all this is new to me everyone has always told me i looked to have indian in me. we were told we had cherokee up the line. we have the following surnames that i suspect may be of the cherokee. richard pace a ggggrandfather of mine. we also have ross,white,pace just a few to mention. me and my two sisters have matched with the moytoy indians and i dont know where to begin to look could you give me some clues. also my sister matched with princess cornblossom and i have connected also with about 10 families saying they are related to daniel boone.
Deletelinda northrup sturgill
Whites they are a lot in the family chicamauga Cherokee
Deletecreek.Chickasaw.delware.irqouin.Choctaw and a few more nations we were the strong hold for the Cherokee and the creek and so on our war camp started in Chattanooga on the edge of the river and became to be over 100.000 braves
Did you know Pocahantas was a nickname as a little girl? Her real name was Matoaka.
DeleteDoes anyone know how Chief Doublehead was related to the Nevels family in Wayne County, Ky. I have always heard that he got his name because he was born with two heads, not because of his personality. I've heard this from many older people in Wayne County.Does anyone know for sure?
ReplyDeleteI do not think he is but I am not sure who his fathers side was, the two heads is because of the golden chest our family took off hernando de soto,when he came to alabama, and gave the chest to the chickasaw indians, they took it to the chief and hence all the "Double Head" names. It made our chief Double Head undefeatable so our family legend says. According to my great great grandmothers, if a person touched it, they would die. But, if you was in possission of it, you were great in battle.I am his 8th great grand son, I sit on his seat as Chief TwoChief in our family Cherokee Indian Nation
DeleteVery interesting. Various name origins exist. Another possible origin is the czar of Russia doublehead emblem. Also the doublehead flying geese in formation is an oriental sign from god at times.
DeleteWe have a natural loop connecting both brains. Jimmy Nuetron.
DeleteThe United states of America does Not have the right to say that we are not completely sovereign because we depend on domestics, "Oh YEAH, LIKE WHAT? YOUR land, sir? You take somebody in, teach them to hunt, fish, plant, build, ride horses, Herbal medicine, everything they could not do on there own, because they were running away from there own land because they didnt want to follow Englands laws.
ReplyDeleteSo we took there diseases on ourselves trying to help them survive. For our effort, we are led out in a trail of tears, the great INDIAN REMOVAL ACT, A DAM ACT OF WAR AND WAR CRIME! Traitors! The North Union has no treaties with the Cherokee or the Chickasas Indians, my family. No, you killed my great grand father, Chief Double Head, and drove my family into the ground, sir! You Stole our land! No, sir, you cannot put up a fence to keep our mexican brothers off of there own land, our land! If the USA doesnt work out, Oh well, right? You can always go home, where do the Native Americans go? We've been here for ten thousand years, not you. No, sir, you ruined our land, North Union! The South could do better than this! And FYI, rich bankers didnt build america, Black African Americans did!
Yeah, but WE gave them Tobacco ! LOL
Deletemeaning are you
DeleteI mean being mean are you.
DeleteThe truth is more like, James vann was lying about under the table land deals with the chief, whom they picked because of his lack of education, as he didnt believe in it.HE WAS NEVER BRIBED! When DoubleHead got wind of it, he rode up to the Hiwassie rivers cherokee nation agency to whip and kill the drunkard coward liar, back shooting pig james vann.Whom shot the chief in the back in the tavern as he stood at the bar, and then had to fight him all the way to an attic of a school teachers house, where they knifed him to death slowly.No war, just murder. The cherokee indians had active peace treaties with the white settlers when they committed the Indain Removal Act.That voided all that hopewell sh**. COWBOYS AND INDIANS AGAIN!
ReplyDeleteIt was my great great granddad bird tail double head and his half brother james foreman and che if Ross that killed cheif ridge
ReplyDeleteBird tail doublehead and Elizabeth vann also known as james mason and Elizabeth hall is my great great grandfather and great great grandmother
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I am a direct descenant of Thomas Norris Clark and his wife Susannah Randolph Payne. I am trying to write a history of TN Clark and Susannah , I knew Birdsong was liviing in the clark house when Doublehead was murdered, and was returned to his mother Nancy Drumgoole in Mussel Shoals, any information you can furnished would be greatly appricated,TNC was also supposed to be an Executor with two others for Chief Doubleheads estate. And had 20 year lease on the property on the Clinch River, and was paying the Chreokees 600 pounds a year for safe passage to Carthage from Kingston
Deletei have a clark family tree with over 850 names and 250 families that I will share.Please Contact me at
I am a direct descenant of Thomas Norris Clark ~ I have document where he was also married to Johanna Hays
DeleteCLARK, Norris, and Johanna HAYS, by Nathaniel Little, J. P., June 4, 1796.
Clark County, KY may also be of interest to you.
DeleteThere is. a lot of people we are kin to and clarks but they only took care of my great great grandfather bird tail double head until he was 12yrs old because when cheif double head died the Wilsons did not take care of him they just got what they wanted and left him behind that when the Clark took care of him the Clark that took him in was Thomas Norris Clark but I can.t name all because there is a lot
ReplyDeleteHello, I am just researching double head connection to possibly more than one side of My familes. My direct dedcent names are: scott, patillo, chisholm/chism/chisum, howard and jones. Who have some intermarried gist, 'clark, wilson, edwards, and childers or ga/ texas/ ark/ sequoya county 0klahoma. They were in ky from indian lands by 1800, then to madison/ jackson co. Ala paint rock area. Which the connected jones, scott, edwards, and wilsons married double heads daughters.aisley and rebecca? Also they intermarried gist daughters.
DeleteThe Spanish origin names in our tribe need more research. Spain had treaties with us and issued land grants in kentucky and elsewhere. I also have Latino names in my recent family tree. Mainly first names with cherokee Spanish origins.
DeleteI live and grew up in Calhoun Tn on the banks of the Hiwassee..My great great grandmother was Elizabeth Clark Hambright who was John Clark's daughter.John was the son of Anderson"Bird Tail"Clark who was taken in by Thomas Clark and Family.The Schoolmaster Black was of my Ancestor Grandmother Nancy Black Hambrights lineage.Keep in touch Cousin,Bird married Isabelle Jones and was a founder of Clear Springs Church where they lay at rest in the cemetary.Theres a photo I've seen that says in Vonore, the grave site of Doublehead and Drags Blanket but I haven't checked it out yet.Ive lived on the Hiwassee 58 years and stood in the very spot where this happened even before I heard it happened.Fort Cass across the road.My Great Ancestor Grandfather Captain John Hardin Hambright was at his friend Nancy Wards home the night she died.These same assassins killed Major John"Jack"Walker who owned the ferry and was founder of Calhoun Tn Where this happened.
DeleteHow did they transport a dead body in southern August heat from the Hiwassee River to Kentucky or Alabama with no train or icemaker to help sustain a decaying corpse! I've seen photos of a marker of Doublehead and Dragging Blanket near ECHOTA Village near Vonore Tn .Which is about a 1 hour drive by car..that's possible on horseback...Will the real Doublehead Please Stand Up!!!
DeleteSalt, just like curing any meat.
DeleteMy great great grandfather bird tail double head killed all the people that signed the treaty in echota one got away and went to California
ReplyDeleteI am the fifth great grandson of double head through his first son bird tail my great grand mother was Ruth Mason the grand daughter of bird tail I'm told he changed his name to William Mason to protect his identity do u have info on cheif great eagle I told is double heads father
ReplyDeleteChief Doublehead, along with Cherokee Chiefs Arun Redbird Brock and King Benge, led Cherokee and Catawba allies connected to the Over The Mountain Men at The Battle of Kings Mountain (NC) in a major Patriot victory in the Revolution. The chiefs later turned against the Colonials after numerous attacks at the hands of those like Isaac Shelby. Shelby, the first Governor of Kentucky, led attacks on Indians, and also later claimed to have personally killed Techumseh in Canada. Doublehead, born in present day Kentucky in the Cumberland River country, also called the Techae or Blue River, was also known as an Emperor, since he was a descendant of the Imperial line of Cherokee.
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ReplyDeleteThanks to you Chuck for adding this information to The James Scroll. - Sharon
ReplyDeleteI am a direct descendent through Sarah Troxell
ReplyDeleteTheir daughter Sarah Troxell married Thomas Bell
Their daughter Mary Ann “Polly” Bell married David Spradlin
Their daughter Nancy Elizabeth Spradlin married James Charles “Charlie” Clemens
Their daughter Malinda Jane Clemens married Alfred Lee Dugger
Their son Arthur Lee Dugger married Louella Idell
Their daughter Virginia Dugger married Clifton Edwin Langford
Their daughters, Kathy Langford Gayanich, Deborah Langford Davis and me Teresa Langford (divorced from Butler)
Hello I am interested to find out if you all have information on a John Craig likely from Georgia whos mother was possibly Betsey Posey and wife was possibly Modare Harlin born or lived in red clay Tennessee and ended up in Arkansas prior to removal. there children were Jincey Jane craig , James Granville Craig who married American bearpaw/spears/Phipps/rose, George craig sarah sallie and nancy mahala Minerva and a few others, Our family has spent over 15 years trying to connect the pieces perhaps one of you could help. email me thank you in advance. Best Regards
ReplyDeleteMy mother's grandmother was Daisy Bell Dishman. She was traded for a shotgun and was told that she is related to Doublehead. Any help on information is appreciated.
ReplyDeleteChris Singleton
(Son of Sandra Kay Hayes)
You may or may not find a man linked to me named dishman combs to be a link to your history.he was somehow connected to bushyhead. He was enrolled in eastern band of cherokee.
DeleteThank you for your help and still looking up all my roots, which I have found to go back into the Great Eagle's daughter Kazzie and Peter Dishman. Family tree:
DeleteChief Doublehead is my 6th Great Grandfather through his daughter Princess Cornblossom and George Jacob Troxell my 5th Great Grandparents there Daughter Sarah S Troxell and Thomas Bell are my 4th Great Grandparents there Daughter Mary Ann Polly Bell and David Spradlin are my 3rd Great Grandparents There Daughter Nancy Elizabeth Spradlin and John Charles Clemens are my 2nd Great Grandparents There son John William Clemens and Martha Davis are my Great Grandparents there Daughter Grace Clarsie Clemens and Millard Thomas Cook Sr are my Grandparents there son James Louis Cook and Mary Anne Cook are my parents
ReplyDeleteWell... I'm a little late but just did my DNA and found out I have indian in my trace region... So I just recently started researching my family tree and came across Anderson Clark being Bird Doublehead... I haven't found any documentation of this being true, but I am still researching and would appreciate any help out there available... All this time I had his father being Thomas Norris Clark ~ now I'm unsure of that now...
ReplyDeleteMy surname line from this family line are (just to name a few): Ray, Brothers, Clark, Jones, Swafford, Liles
My email is: markcathy1094@hotmail if anybody has ANY documents or information to help me with my family search... would like to verify my 3rd great g'pa is the same/different than Bird Doublehead & also if this is where I am getting my indian DNA from... Thanks in advance...
To Add: I've been doing my ancestory for almost 10 years now on
DeleteKathy I live in Calhoun my GGGrandmother was Elizabeth Clark Hambright her Dad John Clark who was son of Bird Tail Anderson Clark.Thomas Clark evidently took him in and gave him the name.Anderson married Isabelle Jones and was a founder of Clear Springs Church where the rest in peace in the cemetary.Holler back cousin
DeleteCalhoun Tn on the banks of the Hiwassee.where the ferry,Tavern,Fort were located Im also even related to Schoolmaster Black.
DeleteFurthermore If he was killed on the Hiwassee someone explain to me how did they carry a dead body to Alabama or Kentucky in warm southern weather without the decaying corpse being too much to bear! There were no trains or icemaker to sustain it.Buried in Vonore near Echota with Dragging that's possible.
DeleteI am the 5h Great Grandson of Cornblossom and George Jacob Troxell. My mother has done very in-depth research over the past 20 years. i know their are some that do not believe they even existed but I know that I am Cherokee and very proud of it. The above article is very well written and gives honor to my ancestors.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your nice comment. Sharon
Deletedoes anyone know if Gulu Doublehead and Sam Riley had a daughter who married David Hall of Roane co.,Tn. about 1810?she supposed to be my ggggrandmother.
ReplyDeleteYou may find some of the Riley family around buckhorn lake ky to be a link. Some moved to cherokee nc recently I think. Also note hall mountain at the head of masons creek my or viper it in Perry county. There is also a hall mountain around cherokee nc. We are sometimes connected of course.
ReplyDeleteAnyone having info about chief George Colbert my 6 th great grandfather and grandmother saleechie doublehead >Nancy Ellen colbert married James hezekiah tharp > john g Tharp etc. please email me thanks
DeleteHas anyone been able to prove CDIB through Cherokee Nation? I am linked through Ni-Go-Di-Ge-Yu, under the Riley-Tackett link. I am having issues with proving CDIB. Any help/documentation is greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteYou may find my Great Grandfather near full blood Cherokee Green Tackett to be of interest. He was from KY but was also in NC and nearby as well as Indian Territory, Oklahoma and is on the Dawes Rolls. He likely is the same Green Tackett listed as EB Cherokee Nation Principal Chief.
DeleteChief Doublehead is my 5th gen great grandfather. I have a CDIB card through the Cherokee Nation, but my great grandmother and my great great grandparents are the persons I am enrolled through, as they are the closest relatives I have on the Dawes rolls. I also have reason to believe my great great grandfather's father was Chickasaw, but have been unable to find a birth record for my great great grandfather since he was born before Oklahoma was a state in IT. You have to have birth or death records to establish lineage to someone on the Dawes rolls. I used my birth record, my father's birth record, and my grandfather's birth record to show that I am the decedent of my great grandmother, Peggie Leader, who is on the Dawes rolls. You can email me at if you want more advice on CDIB enrollment.
ReplyDeleteYou can also search the names of any known ancestors you have to see if they were on the Dawes Roll here:
ReplyDeleteChief Chuqualataque Doublehead is my 6th Great Grandfather. I look forward to learning more about this part of my heritage.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone heard of a Dicey Doublehead Vibert or Vibbert? I think some people called her "Lucy"? She was born in 1799 and died in 1870 in KY. I am getting information that she was a daughter to Chief Doublehead. He was age 49 when she was born, so she has to be one of the younger siblings. Also, could anyone send me the full list of his children's names?
ReplyDeleteI would like to get the list of names also. I have read that Chief Doublehead had a daughter Mary who married James Chisholm - those are my lineage
Delete^^^ I meant to say she has to be one of Chief's younger children.
ReplyDeleteDicey is my 5gg and this is also what I am trying to clarify. I can find no other possible parentage for her. If you find out would you email me @
DeleteDicey is my 6th GGrandmother. 🥰 I have a Family Tree made up of all the siblings.
ReplyDeleteI am Clint Quillen Bledsoe's Grandson,
Clint Quillen Bledsoe of Hezikiah "Hese" Car/Bledsoe & Clemmie T. Hese Car/Bledsoe (born doublehead) of Bird Doublehead of Chief Doublehead
If anyone can help with more info, I would much appreciate it
I am trying to find the connection between Dicey D Vibbert and Chief Doubletree. Through ancestry it has him and nanny drumgoole as her parents. I can not find anything to support this. Am I missing something
ReplyDeleteI am Doublehead's 4x or 5x great granddaughter thru his daughter Saleetchie, who along with her sister, was married to Chickasaw Chief George Colbert in exchange for a peace treaty and land exchange. Any additional info is welcome:
ReplyDeleteI am the Grandson of Chief George Colbert of the Chickasaw And Saleechie Doublehead Chief Doubleheads daughter
ReplyDeleteChief George Colbert and Saleechie Doublehead are my 3rd great grandparents. My 2nd great grandparents are John McLish and Susan "Sukie" Colbert. John McLish
DeleteHello my name is Elizabeth dewey my mothers maiden name was queen, her great grandfather was elijahbuck queen, his wife's name was nancyjane dishman, her fathers name was Marcus dishman, and his father was Thomas dishman and his father was thomasjefferson dishman married to kiziah doublehead her father was chief doublehead. Very proud of my heritage.
ReplyDeletei have the same lineage as you from buck queen. please email me at and maybe we can help each other. jane
DeleteHi, I’m looking for information about William Doublehead. My Great great grandfather was George Washington Elize Hamilton Fitzpatrick. Also my Great Great grandmother Rhoda (Rhodie) Fitzpatrick... maiden name possibly Eting (Eating?) We can’t find names for her parents but my Granny (Clara Evelyn Fitzpatrick Gurley) told me that her mother was full Cherokee and died when my Granny was a child.
ReplyDeleteMy sons theory is that William Doublehead was taken in by the Rileys. Does anyone have any information on this please?
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Ask Me.
I am a Doublehead Disciple. Factual MRI discovered my natural loop. Be careful what you wish for. Colonial disciples raped me at 3 years old 51 years of hate crimes bestowed upon me. D Ray.
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ReplyDeleteMy name is Lea Hawkins and my sixth great grandfather is chief doublehead it shows the name was changed to dishman on my information
ReplyDeleteIn my heritage it shows chief doublehead as my 7 great grandfather but im not understanding because is says that a daughter of his which was my 6 great grandmother was his daughter and her last name was vibbert… could anyone shed some light…
ReplyDeleteI was told we were related to Double Head thru Spears family, but I see no mention of any Spears on here.
ReplyDeleteHello all, can someone show me letters and documents reflecting land ownership by Cheif Doublehead in Kentucky. Can someone also show me conclusive proof of Cornblossom. Doubleheads’ reserve that is documented by treaty 10 miles north of the Tennessee River between Cypress Creek and Elk River along with the Doublehead land leasing company with his partner John Chisholm. We have several documents in Collier Library along with multiple letters from Indian Agent Meigs, John Chisholm, Sam Dale, and many others.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you do!
I am sitting here in Australia with tears running down my face. I have no words for what was suffered by the people.
ReplyDeleteJohn Chisholm Sr married one of Chief Doublehead’s daughter’s. I am told her name was Mary Magdalena - 1743-1827.
ReplyDeleteThey had the following children: Elizabeth, John, Kezziah, Jacob and William. I am descended from their daughter Elizabeth Chisholm, who married Henry Goodnight .
I would like more info about the above people please.